May 232016

Hello everyone!

If like me you like your food (always!), I find there is always a dip mid afternoon when I am so hungry and waiting to eat until dinner time is unthinkable!  Well thank you to Jody who has shown me the light and introduced me to Madeline Shaw’s recipe for Protein Balls, totally yummy!  These are perfectly sized energy boosts that are healthy, clean and most importantly easy to make!  In fact they are loaded up with protein and maca powder which is a superfood that boosts vitality.  Please try them they are delicious!
Ok so here is the recipe:
100g oats, 150g almonds, 50g raw cocoa, 1tbsp of maca powder, pinch of salt, 3 tbsp of honey, 100g almond butter and 2 tbsp of coconut oil.  Ok so blend the oats and almonds together in a food processor then add the cocoa, maca and salt.  Blend for 1 minute then add the honey, almond butter and coconut oil.  Roll the mixture into 12-14 balls and put into the fridge to set.  Oh my goodness they are good, Richard added dried blueberries and dates for a different taste.  I, of course, will be very happy to try your concoctions…..especially mid afternoon!
Ok so they aren’t going to win any beauty contests but they sure do taste good.
 Posted by at 1:07 pm

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