About Pilates


Stamford Pilates Class at Barnack


“In ten sessions you will feel the difference, in twenty sessions you will see the difference, in thirty sessions you will have a whole new body.” Joseph Pilates

Pilates involves a series of exercises designed to create a strong, supple and adaptable body. It educates the muscles, particularly those of the deep abdominals, back and pelvic floor, to support the body efficiently and effectively. Pilates is for men and women of all ages and abilities. Exercises can be modified to your own personal capabilities offering a safe yet challenging workout as your body will dictate the pace. With regular practice Pilates can assist you in achieving a toned and improved body shape, developing the body through core strength, flexibility and body awareness.

Pilates could help if you:

  • have a neck, back or joint pain/injury
  • want to protect your joints & spine from further or future injuries
  • are recovering from injury or illness
  • have poor posture
  • want to maintain your fitness through non-impact activity
  • want to start a new fitness regime and tone up
  • are pregnant or have recently had a baby
  • have a referral from a doctor, Osteopath, Physiotherapist etc

The benefits of Pilates are many:

  • Awareness of correct body posture/alignment to help with posture-related pain
  • Identification of causes of muscle tension or discomfort
  • Rehabilitation from injury
  • Improved flexibility
  • Greater muscle tone and suppleness
  • Excellent mind body connection and awareness
  • Release of tension and the lowering of stress
  • As part of sports training

To read testimonials from some of my clients please click here

Before you take part in any of my classes or have a personal Pilates session you will need to to download my “Health Screening Questionnaire” please click here and bring this fully filled in to your first class along with a mat. Thank you in advance.

2 Comments » for About Pilates
  1. Sue Burt says:

    Hi Louise,

    Just wondered if you had any spare places in your Monday morning classes in Barnack please?

    Also, do you take the classes in five weeks slots that can turn into 10 week or continuous classes or whether it’s just five weeks at a time then a break?

    Kind regards,


    • fitnesslou says:

      Hello Sue

      Many thanks for your email – you are most welcome to join us on a Monday morning at Barnack it will be lovely to see you there! Have you ever tried Pilates? I run Pilates classes throughout the year, the 5 week course is just a great way for people to remember when to pay however you can also pay per class. I am not running my classes from Monday 21st October to Friday 1st November however you can come along when I get back if you would like!

      Take care



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