May 022019

Hello everyone

Just to let you know that on Monday 6th May, this coming bank holiday, there will only be the one class running and that will be at Great Casterton at 6.15pm.  There will be no Pilates class at Barnack on 6th May, so please put up your feet……..or join us at Great Casterton in the evening!

All other classes will be running as normal that week and on Monday 13th May, the timetable will be as normal.

Enjoy your weekend!

 Posted by at 10:27 am
Apr 092019

I love Easter time, there’s lots of fun to be had. Easter egg hunts, crafts, baking, chocolate eggs, hot cross buns. Lots of time with family and friends, it’s always an a busy time of the year.

But with regards to healthy eating?  Oooh!  For weeks, supermarkets have been tempting us with their Easter aisles filled with chocolates, sweets and hot cross buns. They are so quick with their their marketing strategies  that as soon as the Christmas period is over, BAM, Easter eggs are on the shelf.

However Easter can be a healthy time of year, without sacrificing fun.

Here are a few tips in being healthy over the Easter holidays:

Keep working out.

Easter can be a busy time; entertaining the kids, preparing meals and visiting family. It may seem as though you don’t have time for exercise. However in just one hour, you can keep yourself fit and also allows a bit of time for yourself – great when Great Aunt Gwen asks for ANOTHER cup of tea!  Come and join us at one of our classes or if you are a dedicated Pilates person why not try something different in a Dancefit class?

Get Outside

The arrival of Easter means spring has sprung and now is the time to get outside. Even if you’re not going out for a ten-mile run, there are lots of opportunities to get moving outdoors, which will help you get fit. Try a walk in the park with the dog, play Frisbee with the kids, walk to the shop instead of driving. You’ll be moving more and enjoying the spring fresh air too.

Use Moderation

Now you know and I know how wonderful chocolate is (we always have a little chocolate talk at Barnack!) so it would be totally unrealistic to say I’m not going to eat a single piece of chocolate at Easter because this is too restrictive and not fun at all. So, focus in life on moderation.

Wishing you all a wonderful Easter time.

 Posted by at 10:28 am
Mar 252019

Hello everyone

Put the kettle on, put your feet up as this week there are no classes! So that is from Monday 25th – Friday 29th March, we restart on Monday 1st April so see you then!

 Posted by at 7:15 pm
Jan 132019
I saw this article online and just thought it was brilliant – especially at this time of the year when we are thinking of starting new exercise regimes!

5 things that happen when you start Pilates

Image result for pilates in midlife

By Kelly Vero.

The wonders of Pilates.

I’m Kelly, I’m 43 and I live on the sunshine island of Malta. After turning 40, those little niggles and twinges in my back, my legs (I did a marathon or two) and all of those years standing up, sitting down and drinking wine by the telly resulted in a slipped disc in March. I decided to get a grip of my body, my outlook on life and bloody well do something.

That something has become Pilates and I’m hooked.

So, here’s 5 things that have happened to me since I started attending Pilates classes:

  1. I can touch my toes! I’ve been crippled by back pain all of my life and I’d given up on being flexible, and yet, in a few short weeks I have kissed back pain goodbye and I can touch my toes for the first time in years.
  2. I have confidence. I mean it. Pilates is not just about stretching and bending and getting to grips with the equipment, it’s also about mindfulness and going to that place where you can focus on yourself and think about exactly how you want to improve. Our teacher John says this a lot: “this is your time,” and he’s right, it is and I make the most of every second. Because of that I feel so different about myself and my outlook on life.
  3. I eat better. Largely due to my classes being in the evenings I’m a bit more careful about what I eat. Of course I dream about a big fat burger but let’s be honest, what good would that do, really??
  4. It’s a gateway to a better understanding. The tightness of my hamstrings from years of walking, standing and dancing meant that I needed some extra help; my Pilates teachers suggested I get one of those stretchy exercise bands to fill in the gaps between sessions. This has led to the understanding that I thought I always had about my body completely changing. It’s not about diet or exercise, diet and exercise or taking supplements, it’s about understanding how you got to this place and how you can improve.
  5. I haven’t lost any weight, you know, I need to make that bit clear. No, no. Instead, my posture has changed, my ribs are lifted and so is my bum, my abs are supporting my frame.

It just goes to show that it is never ever too late to start Pilates and it can really help in transforming your physically and mental wellness.

 Posted by at 4:34 pm
Dec 212018

Feliz Navidad- classes have now finished for Christmas and I will see you all on Monday 7th January! Thank you for all of your warmth and support this year, it is SO much appreciated!

 Posted by at 3:08 pm